“What is the treatment for varicose veins?”
Since my pregnancy I have been suffering from varicose veins. Though I was told the condition will automatically get better after my delivery, the same has not happened. It continues the same way even after my delivery. Is there a treatment for varicose veins?
13 Answers
Your veins are in charge of returning the blood from your feet back up toward your heart. The way that Your veins normally function is because inside of them you have these tiny valves. These are one-way valves. When they open, blood flows up, when they close, they’re supposed to prevent blood from flowing back down. In your leg having that are deep and veins that are superficial. The typical problem and varicose vein disease is with your superficial veins. When the valves in that superficial vein are damaged, they stay open. This causes blood to flow back down into your leg. The pressure Builds, And thus the varicose veins form.
Currently there are many different types of treatment for varicose vein disease. All of these can be done in the convenience of the office setting. You should take several things into consideration. Mainly, are you done having babies?
It is not uncommon for someone that has had successful treatment to have a recurrence after another pregnancy.
In the meantime, I recommend that you start wearing compression stockings. You can buy them at Amazon. You can get them kneehighs, thigh high’s or even compression pants. The typical pressure will be 20/30.
You should know that varicose vein disease is not a life-threatening condition, But it can affect your quality of life. I hope this helps.
Currently there are many different types of treatment for varicose vein disease. All of these can be done in the convenience of the office setting. You should take several things into consideration. Mainly, are you done having babies?
It is not uncommon for someone that has had successful treatment to have a recurrence after another pregnancy.
In the meantime, I recommend that you start wearing compression stockings. You can buy them at Amazon. You can get them kneehighs, thigh high’s or even compression pants. The typical pressure will be 20/30.
You should know that varicose vein disease is not a life-threatening condition, But it can affect your quality of life. I hope this helps.
Yes! There is an answer for you. Varicose veins can worsen inoregnancy because of the pressure on the venous system. Sometimes, after pregnancy the veins to do not return to normal. A visit with a board certified vascular surgeon that also specializes in venous disease is recommended. An ultrasound can identify the non working veins. There are minimally invasive methods to treat these veins once they are appropriately identified. Often the treatment is right in the office!
There are many excellent options for varicose vein treatments today. Whereas in the past, stripping was the "gold standard," the 21st century has brought innovative technology to the treatment of varicose veins. Most of these options take about 1 hour in vein specialist's office while you are awake. The options include: thermal ablation with either radiofrequency or laser; nonthermal nontumescent ablation with either foam or glue; and mechanicochemical ablation. Thermal ablation is the "oldest" of these newer techniques and uses heat to seal the veins that are troublesome to you and causing the varicosities. The devices are little more than "fancy IVs" that the specialist inserts inside the "bad" vein and as the catheter (or fancy IV) is removed from inside the vein, it is heat sealed closed (either with microwave-like heat energy or laser light type heat energy. The nonthermal techniques are done with either a medicine that closes the vein (Varithena- a microfoam sclerosant) or a cyanoacrylate adhesive (VenaSeal) or basically super glue. Again, both these techniques start with the specialist getting into the "bad vein" and then either injecting the foam or the glue to "shut it down." The mechanochemical technique uses a combination of a very "fancy IV" with a spinning tip out of which is injected a sclerosant (medicine that closes veins down). For more education about varicose vein treatments, check out the American College of Phlebology website (www.phlebology.org) or visit a board certified vein specialist.
KathyLee Santangelo, MD
KathyLee Santangelo, MD
There are multiple treatments for varicose veins. The treatment is predicated upon the findings of a very special type of ultrasound of the veins looking to see if the valves and the veins are not functioning and the location of them. This needs to be done by a vascular surgeon and a dedicated vascular lab with you in an upright position. Your problem is very common. It is oftentimes improperly cared for.
Yes. but it depends on what the Duplex study of your veins show. The treatment options are compression socks, Sclerotherapy and if you have saphaneous veins reflux Ablation procedure.
Yes there is treatment but the trestment depends on the cause. You should see a vein specialist in your area
Treatment protocol for veins depends upon the ultrasound findings. Typically, if you have symptoms, you try compression for 3 months and then get an ultrasound to look at the valves and then proceed with treatment with RFA/LASER or Venaseal and sclerotheray for small superficial veins.
Ramandeep Sidhu, MD, FACS, RPVI
Ramandeep Sidhu, MD, FACS, RPVI
Treatment starts with compression therapy (compression stockings) and is required by insurance companies prior to approval for any surgical treatment! Surgical treatment also requires pre-op documentation of extent/severity of the disease by duplex ultrasound (again, an insurance requirement).
Varicose veins develop from leaking valves inside the veins. During pregnancy, the valves become strained or weakened. After delivery, the pressure inside the veins is reduced but the damage to the valves remains. Treatment of the veins requires an ultrasound to identify which veins have leaky valves. Based on ultrasound results, a provider can then determine if the damaged veins should be closed or removed. We recommend a consultation with a dedicated vein specialist for further evaluation and recommendations for treatment.
Venous enlargement is common during pregnancy. I studied the phenomenon at Loma Linda University during residency, but never published a paper. Varicose veins that persist after pregnancy require ultrasound to determine reflux of blood, meaning non-working valves, in the saphenous veins. Saphenous reflux is treated with endovascular venous ablation using laser or radio frequency heat. It’s a procedure frequently performed in the office. Smaller varicose veins can be treated with sclerosis this injection, laser, or excision if they are large.
Treatment begins with proper diagnosis. Self a board certified vascular surgeon, who performs his own ultrasound. Lots of specialists such as cardiologist, radiologists, and specialists trained in specialties completely unrelated to veins. If someone refers to themselves as a phlebologist or vein specialist, that's a pretty good indicator that they're not a vascular surgeon. If you see a vascular surgeon, he will assess you, properly diagnose your problem, and prescribe appropriate treatment.