“What is this rash?”
Female | 25 years old
Complaint duration: Months
4 Answers
Best to you.
Dr. Hamilton
between affected and unaffected areas. Lesions can be hypo or hyperpigmented depending of patient's natural skin tone. Tinea versicolor responds to a variety of treatments, but the course can be chronic and pigment changes can take months to years to revert. I have patients try head and shoulders or selsun blue - let sit for 5-10 mins daily for 2 weeks, then use as a preventative every week. Skin color change may take many months to revert even after successful treatment.
All the best,
The rash looks like a common condition called tinea versicolor, this caused by a yeast-like organism that results in off-colored, slightly scaling patches. Nothing serious. An over-the-counter cream such as Lotrimin might help lighten the areas. If the coloration persists, best to visit a local dermatologist.
Stephen Schleicher, MD