Dermatologist Questions Dermatologist

What is this rash?

I have had a rash on my chest and stomach for around 4 months now. Dermatologists near me aren't accepting new patients until the end of October. I’ve had oral thrush for around the same amount of time and am taking prescribed medicine for it with little help. Could they be related?

Female | 25 years old
Complaint duration: Months

4 Answers

2 rashes are likely in this area of the chest: seborrheic dermatitis (non-infectious) & tinea versicolor (very superficial fungus infection). Both are very treatable; you should see a board certified dermatologist for both confirmation of diagnosis & treatment.
Best to you.

Dr. Hamilton
They don't seem to be related. This looks like pityriasis versicolor or tinea versicolor - a yeast infection (but different than candida - thrush). Tinea versicolor is a common superficial yeast skin disorder. The causative organism is part of the normal skin flora. Lesions are more appreciated during the summer months due to increase discrepancies in skin pigment
between affected and unaffected areas. Lesions can be hypo or hyperpigmented depending of patient's natural skin tone. Tinea versicolor responds to a variety of treatments, but the course can be chronic and pigment changes can take months to years to revert. I have patients try head and shoulders or selsun blue - let sit for 5-10 mins daily for 2 weeks, then use as a preventative every week. Skin color change may take many months to revert even after successful treatment.

All the best,


The rash looks like a common condition called tinea versicolor, this caused by a yeast-like organism that results in off-colored, slightly scaling patches. Nothing serious. An over-the-counter cream such as Lotrimin might help lighten the areas. If the coloration persists, best to visit a local dermatologist.

Stephen Schleicher, MD
Tinea Versicolor