Oncologist Questions Lumps

What is this

I’m a 14 y/o male, and I have a painful lump growing under the skin of my right nipple (only on one nipple). It started out small, but in a couple of weeks, it’s grown to about the size of a nickel, it is enlarging my nipple, and it is very hard to do daily activities because of the pain when pressure is applied to any part of it. I saw that a painful lump in the chest area could possibly be cancerous, and I’m afraid its breast cancer. If it’s not breast cancer, then what is it, and what should I do.

Male | 14 years old
Complaint duration: Half a month
Conditions: Scoliosis

4 Answers


Thank you for your question. I would recommend to see a doctor who can refer you to an oncologist as soon as possible. They may recommend a tissue biopsy. I hope you feel better soon.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best wishes,

Dr. Hays
Given above, please start with a visit with your primary care physician or pediatrician asap. He or she can refer to the appropriate specialists to determine next steps. Ultimately, a biopsy must be considered.
Hi there. Please go and see a fully vetted medical professional as soon as you can. You must make sure not cancer, even though may not be. This is something to be seen and dealt with as soon as possible. Jon

You are a 14 year old male person who has a lump getting larger on your chest. This is unlikely to be cancer. The only way to know for sure, though, is to do a needle biopsy and send the tissue to pathology and to the lab for cultures. At age 14 I suspect that you are going through a growth spurt and having hormonal changes. Glands in the breasts can be effected by these changes and sometimes may enlarge.

I suggest that you make an appointment with your doctor and let the doctor advise on diagnosis and treatment.

Good luck.