“What is this ”
Male | 14 years old
Complaint duration: Half a month
Conditions: Scoliosis

4 Answers
OncologistLumpsThank you for your question. I would recommend to see a doctor who can refer you to an oncologist as soon as possible. They may recommend a tissue biopsy. I hope you feel better soon.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
Best wishes,
Dr. Hays
You are a 14 year old male person who has a lump getting larger on your chest. This is unlikely to be cancer. The only way to know for sure, though, is to do a needle biopsy and send the tissue to pathology and to the lab for cultures. At age 14 I suspect that you are going through a growth spurt and having hormonal changes. Glands in the breasts can be effected by these changes and sometimes may enlarge.
I suggest that you make an appointment with your doctor and let the doctor advise on diagnosis and treatment.
Good luck.