Dental Hygienist Questions Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon

What is wrong in my mouth?

I believe that I have a cavity, my tooth was really hurting yesterday. Today I woke up with a weird bump on the inside of my top lip. it doesn’t look like a canker sore or anything and my top lip just feels a little swollen. i’m not really sure what it is.

Female | 17 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days

3 Answers

It looks like a canker sore. Even though the the picture taken is small, you can see a pustule and possibly is painful. Canker sores are cause by stress, injury to the inside of the mouth acidic food, dental appliances (braces, ill-fitting dentures). The canker sore has few stages; prodromal stage – First 2 – 48 hrs.; pre-ulcerative stage 1 – 14 days, healing stage 4 – 14 days. The stage that your lesion look is at very early stage. This is my assessment based on the picture. Use salt and water or baking soda rinse (one teaspoon of baking soda and half cup of warm water), will help you. If the lesion persists, see your dentist. Thank you.
You may have an infection. Please see a dentist as soon as possible to get it looked at.
Good luck.

Dr. Hussein Shivji
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Since you had a really bad toothache recently and woke up with a swollen lip, it is possible the tooth could be infected. The next course of action should be to contact your dentist for an emergency visit for further investigation. More information is needed to make a proper diagnosis and treatment.
I hope this helps.

Dana Truesdale, DDS