Doctor Questions Doctor

What might I have? My doctor doesn't seem to take it seriously.

First of all: I'm a 23 year old male, normal body weight, and with no pre-existing conditions. My doctor doesn't take it seriously, but it seriously impacts my life immensely, to the point where I don't even wanna go out anymore or interact with anyone. Those are my symptoms:

- shallow breathing (it feels like I'm constantly out of the air, making speaking that much more exhausting)
- jaw/cheek muscles hurt (always clenched and it's very tiresome to speak, it feels like I'm speaking in slow motion because the movement of the jaw is so strenuous)
- constantly tired and exhausted
- eyelids swollen to the point where it feels almost like I've got tunnel vision, I instinctively have to open up my eyes widely for it to feel normal for a second
- stiff shoulders (extremely uncomfortable to even sit or stand, it feels like my shoulders are filled to the brim with pressure)
- weak voice (it feels like I've got a frog in my throat or like my throat were swollen)
- shivering/agitated

(-tinnitus but I don't mind it that much at all)

On top of that I've all of a sudden got noticeable and very limiting cognitive difficulties:

- major difficulties remembering words (I know what I wanna say but it feels like half of my vocabulary simply disappeared)
- making all sorts of simple grammar mistakes when speaking (which I usually wouldn't at all)
- difficulties paying attention or remembering any of it (whether it be speech, video, or written)
- I'm mixing up my words, making it sound like I'm cognitively impaired
- feeling oftentimes disoriented and confused

All of these symptoms appeared simultaneously around October of 2021.

I'm aware you can't diagnose anyone through the internet, but some ideas would be of great help and by some chance might lead me in the right direction! Thanks in advance!

Male | 23 years old
Complaint duration: 8 months
Medications: None
Conditions: None

2 Answers

Hello. I’m sorry you’re having such bothersome symptoms. I am an
ophthalmologist, though, and these symptoms are out of my expertise. I
would recommend following up with a general physician so they can evaluate
you and possibly send you to a specialist (if warranted). I hope you figure
it out and feel better.

Eric Downing MD
Have you had COVID, Lyme disease? Symptoms sound like long COVID. I would advise seeing a neurologist, have a COVID PCR test, a Lyme titer, the routine screening labs, and a Brain MRI for starters. I do not have a good sense of your psychiatric status from your notes.