“What pain medications can I take after a root canal?”
I had a root canal a few hours ago and it hurts. What pain medications can I take after a root canal?
4 Answers
You can take ibuprofen 600mg every 8 hours. If that doesn’t help, then add Tylenol extra strength every 8 hours. If this still does not help , talk to your dentist.
For treatment of pain after a root canal, it is best to prescribe non-opiod pain relievers first if possible. We usually want to choose the lowest potency possible if we use opiod pain relievers and limit prescription to a 3 day supply. Othe the counter Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen are good places to start. Dr Brian Laurence
The best medications (to date) post root canal therapy) are Antibiotics (if unresolved local infection- Dr. recommendation), Prednisone (anti inflammatory- per Dr. recommendation) Ibuprophen as needed.