Dentist Questions Dentist

What pain medicine to take after a root canal?

I will get a root canal. What pain medicine can I take after a root canal?

5 Answers

Advil (ibuprofen) up to 800 mg total
Ibuprofen 600 mg every 8 hours works best for pain relief.
Hello. Taling generally, without knowing your medical history and allergies, anti-inflammatory medications are often the first line of medications we recommend over opiods for our patients. These help reduce post operative inflammatory pain. After your visit, your doctor will make specific recommendations based on your specific medical history and your procedure received. Good Luck.
Ibuprofen works good for most people.
Check your medical records if it is safe for you to take Ibuprofen or Tylenol. If you need something stronger, you should contact your dentist.