Orthopedics Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

What’s the issue going on with my arm?

When I’m lying in bed with my left arm under the pillow, being on my left side/stomach, my arm hurts when having laid on it for too long. My elbow is slightly bent. Sometimes the pain/ache can go down into my forearm, sometimes. But it’s my upper arm being affected. I don’t have any tingling or numbness. Well sometimes it may feel numb. But it feels weak sometimes. Especially the first joints of my fingers. Why is my arm hurt so much while lying on it?

Complaint duration: 30

3 Answers

Pinched nerve in neck or arm. See spine surgeon or neurologist
Need to know some more info, but more than likely , this is a simple rotator cuff tendonitis with associated bursitis; Does the Left shoulder hurt when you lift something overhead or try to rotate the upper arm away from your body as if pulling horizontally ? Can you lift both elbows out away from your torso and hold them at shoulder height and does this feel different than the Right shoulder. Could you resist downward pressure while holding both elbows exactly 90 deg from your torso ? If there is pain with this maneuver then you'v e got tendonitis and some bursitis under the shoulder bone.
Good afternoon. The most common reason is irritation to your ulnar nerve. Slight bit of compression or stretching will cause this. Less common would be neck or shoulder position causing irritation to a. Opponent of the brachial plexus nerves. Treatment is keeping elbow as straight as possible and possible use of an soft wool elbow pad. In my experience neither is a great option. Otherwise sleeping on the right side or back may be best option. Good luck.