“What’s wrong with me? ”
Symptoms of what brought me to your office
Temporary visual impairment
Blood rushing to head dizziness on standing and a deafness with ringing in the ears washing sound the temporary hearing loss was about 15 mins also confusion I was in a car wreck that week I don’t think I got whiplash but I was extremely stressed and sleep deprived
Random symptoms undiagnosed/diagnoses:
- [ ] Trail of hands when I move my hands around in my line of sight
- [ ] I have been diagnosed with Sleep paralysis in the past
When it happens I am perfectly awake and it makes me feel like my head and my feet are joining together or that I’m on the sealing like the bed is rotating and I’m falling off the bed but not moving like my center is way off when I fall into sleep paralysis
- [ ] Shooting pain down my hip to my foot possibly from my scoliosis
- [ ] Numbness in hands sometimes the tips of all my fingers and thumb
sometimes I get numbness that moves from one side of the hands fingers to the other side in a half hour like it hasn’t happened in years
also from the tips of all five fingers I feel numb randomly in one or both of my hands
- [ ] Numbness behind the eye and a shocking feeling when I move my eye a certain direction
- [ ] Heels hurt when I wake up sometimes
- [ ] And memory problems such as blaming my grandma for stealing my stuff when I miss placed my things Since I moved out it’s gotten better but My boyfriend is moving in soon so yikes
- [ ] Also I get dilated pupils randomly and usually in a dimly lit room light in the room is more pronounced like seeing shadows but it’s light
- [ ] I also get patches of black in my vision
- [ ] Also my skull seems to make fluid/air bubble sounds like like maybe it’s my sinuses I don’t know
- [ ] I also get a wet sand sound in my neck when I walk for a while
- [ ] A washing sound in my right ear
- [ ] Ringing in my right ear sometimes both the right ear is the loudest
What I know for sure:
- [ ] I have Scoliosis
- [ ] I have pre-diabetes
- [ ] There’s nothing physically wrong with my eyes that the ophthalmologist can see and they did not detect any tumors
- [ ] MRI did nothing to show anything wrong
Female | 28 years old
Complaint duration: Years
Medications: Goedon duoloxetene
Conditions: Scoliosis and prediabetes