“What shape of nose is most attractive?”
I am a 23 year old female. I want to have a nose job. What shape of nose is most attractive?
7 Answers
There is no single size or shape of the nose that is most attractive on every face. Beauty is a combination of individual features and the relationship of parts to one another and to the whole. Ethnicity and skin type are determinants; A beautiful Northern European female face may look best with one type of nose, but that same nose on a Korean or Brazilian or Persian woman may not work. There are definitely elements of proportion and relationships that are commonly agreed to be beautiful that rhinoplasty surgeons plan to achieve, but the degree to which these elements are applied depends on your aesthetic sense and desired outcome.
There is no template for a shape of a nose. In general the desired shape of the nose is one that fits the face , and looks symmetric. Noses are constructed or reconstructed to fit the architecture of a persons face and it’s very individually tailored.
The most attractive noses are generally straight in profile without a hump. They may have a slight dip just above the tip area. They are not too long and the angle which the tip of the nose makes with the lip is above 90°. Nothing ruins a female face’s beauty than a tip which hooks down particularly when smiling.While male noses can vary dramatically and still be fine, the female nose in this culture in order to be considered beautiful is quite narrowly defined
For a nose to be attractive, it has to blend in comfortably either other features of your face. There is no “standard” attractive nose. Your surgeon has to use his/her artistic intuition to decide this and then to decide whether or not that vision is technically possible. Have your surgeon do virtual before and afters for you so that you have input into the process. Remember, surgery is not a perfect art and nowhere is this more evident than in rhinoplasty.
This is not a simple answer, BECAUSE — there are differences in race, color, etc. What is beautiful for one race is not for others. It has to fit your face. There are hair, eyes, mouths that go into the equation of determining what FITS. You need to seek out the services of a doctor that specializes in this with experience.