Dentist Questions Dentist

What should I do if my permanent crown is not feeling right?

My permanent crown feels a little loose and painful too. What should I do?

4 Answers

Return to your dentist asap. He/She will assess the occlusion and if the crown is loose. Remember that a new crown is not going to feel exactly like the old tooth, but it should not be loose or in hyper-occlusion.

Dr. Bronk
It’s best to get X-rays taken to make sure the margin of the crown are sealed, and there's no decay (cavity) underneath the crown.
Get it checked by the dentist that made it & let them know that it doesn’t feel right.
It sounds like the cement inside of it might be letting go. You have two options: 1) go to the dentist. The dentist will get the crown off, clean it out, assess it, and if possible re-cement it. 2) Wait until the crown comes off on its own and then take it into the dentist to have it assessed and if possible, re-cemented.