Dentist Questions Dentist

What can you eat with a permanent crown?

I got a dental implant yesterday. I want to know what can you eat with a permanent crown?

10 Answers

You can eat everything unless advised not to by your Dentist.
You treat that crown as if it is a normal tooth.
You can eat normally with a permanent crown. We do recommend that you stay away from very sticky foods such as caramel with crowns, so that it does not remove the crown.
Crown fabrication on abutment hold by implant should be act as is it a crown on natural tooth. The consideration here is the time related, meaning the time being the implant inside the bone that reflect the amount of osteointegration along the area of the implant that reflect the amount of stability of the implant that will act as root substitute.
It functions like natural teeth. However, any food which is too sticky may cause the crown to come off.
If your dental implant was placed at least 4-6 months ago, and you just received your permanent crown yesterday, or very recently, you can pretty much eat any food, including hard and crunchy, such as nuts, french bread, etc. However, if your dental implant was placed very recently, even you received a permanent crown, please DO NOT use the permanent crown to chew on any food for at least over the next 4-6 months. It needs time for the bone to heal and for the newly placed dental implant to be integrated with your bone.
We usually tell patients to be careful with very hard foods that could also crack a natural tooth - examples include ice, hard candies, bones, and lobster/crab shell. Please don’t open things with your teeth. If the crown was cemented with temporary cement, be careful with very sticky foods.
If you mean the permanent crown was placed after the implant has healed. You can eat as you normally would. Keep in mind that anything that would break a natural tooth, for example chewing on ice , or bones, or opening a bottle with your teeth , will also break the porcelain of your crown. Hope this helps
You can eat any food, but you have to brush and floss your teeth.
You should be able to eat most anything. With all crowns, I would caution against eating anything excessively hard or sticky on the crown to help prevent it from breaking in half or being pulled off. I always advise my patients to be very gentle on a crown for 24 hours after placement, because most dental cements take 12-24 hours to fully harden.