“What should a tooth extraction look like when healing?”
I am a 23 year old female. I want to know what should a tooth extraction look like when healing?
5 Answers
Thanks for your question. In normal conditions and without stitches, after an extraction, there is a lot of tissue reorganization. At first, the blood clots and there's inflammation, and this is why the tissue would look red. Next, the tissue starts to granulate and that's why there's a grayish color. Lastly, the tissue reorganizes and will look darker pink and not inflamed, and this is when the closure starts.
Thanks for your question. In normal conditions and without stitches, after an extraction, there is a lot of tissue reorganization. At first, the blood clots and there's inflammation, and this is why the tissue would look red. Next, the tissue starts to granulate and that's why there's a grayish color. Lastly, the tissue reorganizes and will look darker pink and not inflamed, and this is when the closure starts.
Are you asking about "wisdom teeth" extraction? If the tooth was extracted without complication, it will look as if nothing happened within a few months. If there was complication during the extraction, there may be some bumpy look.