“What should you not do after LASIK surgery?”
I will have LASIK surgery. What should you not do after LASIK surgery?
3 Answers
Great Question You should not rub your eyes, I would not go Snorkeling or Scuba for at least 2 weeks, be careful to not lift heavy objects for the first week. Probably should not go swimming with eyes open under water for a week as well.
For one week after LASIK surgery: * no swimming, hot tubs, or Jacuzzis * no heavy lifting - nothing that you have to strain to pick up * no yard work - mowing, leaf blowing, weed whacking * avoid animal waste - dog poop, cat litter * aerobic exercise is ok but sport glasses are recommended - jogging, treadmill, light weights, cycling For one month after LASIK surgery: * no swimming under water * no eye rubbing * no contact sports