Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

What sleeping position is best for your back?

I am a 26 year old male. I want to know what sleeping position is best for your back?

7 Answers

Lying on your back or side are the best positions to sleep in. When on your back, it is helpful to place a small pillow under your knees to help relieve pressure from the lower back. When on your side, a pillow between the knees is also helpful. Using the right pillow is also very important. There are many types of cervical support pillows to choose from. If you are a side sleeper, choose a firm pillow that is roughly the same thickness as the space between your ear and the outside of the shoulder. If you are a back sleeper, a pillow that supports the cervical curve (lordosis) is best.
It is usually considered that the best sleeping position is on your back or side. Stomach sleeping is not usually recommended.
All depends. Patients who are over weight and suffer from sleep apnea may not do well with sleeping on their back. Sleeping on your stomach can often put too much rotation on the neck causing more pain overall. I often tell patients... whatever allows you to sleep comfortably is the best position. Never compromise your sleep trying to figure out what the best position really is.
Laying on your back or on your side is best for sleeping. Laying on your stomach is the worst way to sleep and is the cause of many problems we see.

I always suggest sleeping on your side with a body pillow in between your knees and tucked in by your chest. The second-best position is to sleep on your back with a wedge under your knees.

Try to never sleep on your stomach.
3 Sleeping Positions for a Healthy, Happy Back | Guideposts.
Sleeping on your back with your neck level with your spine. You don’t want your neck too forward or backward. You can also add a pillow under your knees for extra support. If you’re a side sleeper, take a pillow then bear hug it. Roll forward so you’re still on your side but your body weight is on the pillow instead of your shoulders and hips. Make sure your neck is also level with your spine.