“What toothpaste is best for dentures?”
I am a 63 year old female. I want to know what toothpaste is best for dentures?
9 Answers
There is no particular toothpaste that is best for dentures. A good denture brush and water will do the truck. The object is to remove soft plaque and food particles. Anything hard like tartar may be softened somewhat with something like efferdent or politeness. Otherwise, see your dental professional to get it clean.
Dentu-Creme is best. Regular toothpaste has abrasive particles to remove stain from natural teeth, but that can cause wear of acrylic dentures. The key to cleaning dentures is to brush them thoroughly and safely - even soap and water work very well. Denture cleaning tablets work well, but the secret to using them successfully is to brush the dentures first. If you don't, any plaque that is not removed by them will quickly harden into tartar in a short time. Then it will need to be removed professionally.
No toothpaste is good for dentures. The best way to clean dentures is by the effervescent tablets or simple dish soap and water.