Dentist Questions Dentist

What toothpaste is best for enamel restoration?

I am a 29 year old female. I want to know what toothpaste is best for enamel restoration?

4 Answers

Any toothpaste with Fluoride. Once the enamel is lost, it is never "restored,” the fluoride just stops the hole from getting bigger. Never use a toothpaste that says “whitening.” They generally have baking soda in them and actually take away enamel because they're too abrasive.
Any with the ADA seal or if it has fluoride and/or potassium nitrate, e.g., ProEnamel by Sensodyne.
Any toothpaste with Flouride. Stay away from whitening toothpaste.
Unfortunately you can not restore enamel with toothpaste. But you can over time strengthen it with the use of Fluoride containing toothpaste like Colgate Total, or any other brand. Also dentist can prescribe a paste which contains higher Fluoride amounts if indicated.