“What toxins are released during chiropractic adjustments?”
I am a 19 year old male. I want to know what toxins are released during chiropractic adjustments?
3 Answers
That is a great question, but difficult to answer specifically as each person and condition are different. Chiropractic Adjustments do restore mobility in the Spinal and non/spinal joints that should normally have free motion. Consequently, serious adhesions and scar tissue that can develop as a result of the loss of normal joint motion. This is important, as scar tissue is the most pain sensitive tissue in the human body according to medical research. When there is proper motion restored in the joints, then blood and lymphatic fluids can flow normally without restriction. When there is a lack of normal flow in these fluid systems of the body, tissue cells are unable to excrete their cellular waste products and unable to receive oxygenated blood flow necessary for cellular respiration to create energy for the cell. Ultimately, this deprivation of oxygen can cause cell death and therefore necrosis of the tissues that are being deprived the required oxygenation. The tissues could be skin, muscle, tendons, nerves, disc, etc. This is one of the main reasons Chiropractic Care is so vital and beneficial to maintaining healthy joints and the tissues around them. Without the proper motion intersegmentally, the joint will experience Arthritic changes quickly leading to a worsening condition in that joint. In the Spinal joints, the Discs located between the Spinal bones are normally 80-85% water and need normal motion to maintain this level of hydration. Otherwise, you get thinning discs know as Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD) that worsening over time without the normal Spinal motion. This condition can led to Spinal Surgery occurring many times in the neck and lower back areas. It is vitally important to see a Chiropractor to get your Spine evaluated for this potentially serious and common condition. Prevention and proactive safe Spinal Treatment by a Chiropractor is the best way to prevent this sometimes silent condition. The sooner you get normal motion in a Spinal or non-Spinal joint that isn’t moving correctly, the better you will feel, function and be.
Hi there, sometimes soreness can occur from adjustments that are the body’s normal response. Think of it like your body being sore after a good workout. A great remedy for this is proper hydration and stretching. Here is a link to some stretches I use on a daily as well as some natural creams I recommend for home or office use.
Just like having a great workout or massage, things like lactic acid, carbon dioxide, and other waste molecules of the body can leave the joint or the muscles after the adjustment. We recommend drinking plenty of water after the adjustment, massage or workout to make sure that these molecules don't cause a buildup in another location in the body and can be pushed out of the body in the urine.