“What type of crown is best for front teeth?”
I will get a dental crown for my front tooth. What type of crown is best for front teeth?
5 Answers
Front teeth are the most demanding to restore. The light shines directly to that area. Teeth adjacent to the crown are natural teeth and enamel has several areas of translucent and sometimes opaque shades that makes this very demanding for the dentist and laboratory tec. to work together.
Today we have several materials that can be used, porcelain has improved and can be made to match adjacent teeth. A close-up picture and study models can be sent to the lab to provide better information. Zirconia has been my favorite in most cases as it combines beauty and strength. In a good dental lab it is my retauration of choice.
Today we have several materials that can be used, porcelain has improved and can be made to match adjacent teeth. A close-up picture and study models can be sent to the lab to provide better information. Zirconia has been my favorite in most cases as it combines beauty and strength. In a good dental lab it is my retauration of choice.
That’s not an easy answer without examining you, because every patient is different - you should have a dentist with whom you can trust to discuss this further because it would be foolhardy to tell you what would be best for you without seeing your case in detail.
If you want something esthetic, then you'll be looking at porcelains. In the past, many Dentists used porcelain-fused-to-metal or PFM crowns to balance strength and esthetics when restoring front teeth.
Unfortunately, light can pass through porcelain but not metal underneath. So, these PFM crowns look tooth-coloured but are much more opaque or "chalky" in appearance compared to their natural tooth neighbours. E-max or IPS Empress porcelain are highly esthetic porcelains that can successfully blend right in with neighbouring front teeth!
Unfortunately, light can pass through porcelain but not metal underneath. So, these PFM crowns look tooth-coloured but are much more opaque or "chalky" in appearance compared to their natural tooth neighbours. E-max or IPS Empress porcelain are highly esthetic porcelains that can successfully blend right in with neighbouring front teeth!