Pulmonologist Questions Pulmonologist

What type of doctor treats respiratory issues?

I am a 42 year old male. I have trouble breathing when walking up and down the stairs. What type of doctor treats respiratory issues?

5 Answers

A General or Internal Medicine physician should see any patient first. A specialist in this field is a Chest Physician/Pulmonologist. The Primary Physician can refer to a Pulmonary Physician if necessary.

*Respiratory* doctors treat respiratory issues. The related technical specialty still uses the term *Respiratory* Therapist. We have 5 names: *Thoracic physicians* was used in the 1900s. It's still retained by the Thoracic Surgeons the surgical specialty that operates on Lungs such as Cancer, other tumors, etc. Today we are called *Pulmonologist* and treat shortness of breath and the entire gamut of lung diseases. Hence, we're also called *Lung Docs.* Another related technical specialty is Pulmonary Function Tech, those that do pulmonary function testing to measure lung function.
A pulmonologist
You need to see a good INTERNAL MEDICINE MD. (You could also go see a good cardiologist or pulmonologist, too.)
A general internist or family doctor can first figure out whether your breathing problem is respiratory, cardiac or caused by something else like anemia.