“When can I brush my teeth after laser gum surgery?”
I will have laser gum surgery. When can I brush my teeth after laser gum surgery?
3 Answers
Thank you for your question.
It all depends what kind of condition was treated and what kind of laser was used. Please call the treating dentist. In general after 24 hours use of soft brush and rinses with 1:1 dilution of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide are recommended in my office ( Mix 1 spoon of 3% food grade HP with 1 spoon distill water to rinse)
It all depends what kind of condition was treated and what kind of laser was used. Please call the treating dentist. In general after 24 hours use of soft brush and rinses with 1:1 dilution of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide are recommended in my office ( Mix 1 spoon of 3% food grade HP with 1 spoon distill water to rinse)