Dentist Questions Dentist

When can I eat solid foods after pinhole surgery?

I had pinhole gum surgery 2 days ago. When can I eat solid foods after pinhole surgery?

4 Answers

Please refer to the postop instructions your periodontist gave you
As with each surgery, each surgeon has differing criteria, but the safe answer is generally a soft diet for the first few days along with gentle home care and avoidance of aggressive rinses and drinks (Listerine, Scope, bubbly soft drinks, alcohols or lemonades) or tooth whitening materials.
This question should be directed to the doctor that did the surgery. Although this is usually a straightforward procedure, each individual and situation is unique and may need to be treated differently. I hope this helps.
It's always better to strictly refrain from eating chewy/hard foods, chips, popcorn, carbonated drinks, and acidic juices like grapefruit or orange juice for two weeks. Pasta, soup, eggs, apple sauce, mashed vegetables, etc are good substitutes.