Orthodontist Questions Orthodontist

When can I stop wearing my retainers?

I am a 29 year old female. I want to know when can I stop wearing my retainers?

12 Answers

Retainers are designed to prevent changes to the teeth. In other words they “retain” the treatment done to the teeth. When you no longer desire to maintain your orthodontic treatment, stop wearing retainers and things will change. If you wish to maintain your work, keep wearing them. PS - everything changes in human bodies until we die, and most of aging process is not kind. Teeth are no exception!
Anytime you want - if you accept that your teeth will move slightly from their present position. See your orthodontist for recommendations on reducing wear.
The stability of the teeth varies greatly from patient to patient...and it is 'stability' that dictates how long teeth must be retained. Some corrections such as space closure, rotations, overbite are notorious for relapsing...and need longer retention time. Therefore, optimal retention time varies from patient to patient.
Retention is a lifetime issue. If you have been out of treatment for over a year, it is sufficient to sleep with your retainers a couple of nights per week. If you will ever just stop wearing your retainers, your teeth will shift.
Well, our motto is "Night time for a lifetime!!!"

Retainer wear is for life. If you quit wearing your retainers, your teeth will eventually start to drift.


Robert E. Sims, D.M.D, M.S.D.
I would recommend that you not stop wearing your retainers. It may be alright to reduce wear to a few nights each week but there is always the possibility that the teeth could move out of line. After wearing retainers for a while they should be passive, meaning they do not put any pressure on the teeth. If you feel pressure each night when you put them in you should wear them. If not, it may be alright to skip a night. This process can be repeated with additional nights off until you feel a little pressure. At a minimum, once a week wear should continue for as long as you would like your teeth to remain aligned properly.
That is difficult to say. When did you have the braces removed? In my office I have patients wear the retainers full time for a year then nights for another year then wear them if you notice any change. Teeth move throughout your lifetime so you have to watch if changes occur.
First, I do not know how long you have worn retainers nor do I know how difficult your original ortho problem was. Your orthodontist should help you decide if possible. otherwise you can gradually reduce the time and see if any changes occur. The safest answer is long term retention is advisable because changes will occur over time which may not be to your liking. Adult patients need longer retention than children , but everyone should anticipate a minimum of 5 years or more. Going without them for one week will prove if you still nee them because the retainer will be a bit uncomfortable when tried in again after a short lay off. Some situations require life time retention if you want the teeth to stay in place. Minor changes do not mean treatment failed in any way because the body changes over time and so do teeth. As we age some of the changes are for the better and necessary for stress free equilibrium that result from changes in muscle tone and muscle balance.
Wear your retainers as advised. When you stop wearing your retainers, your teeth move back to their original position before braces.
If you have lingual bonded retainers (which are already fixed on your teeth on the tongue side, and you cannot take them off), then you can probably stop wearing your removable retainers after a few years of stabilizing your bite. However, everyone's teeth are different and some people start having crowding again when they are older due to the natural aging process. So you will need to consult with your Orthodontist to make sure that you get the right answer!