Kongyan Nicely
Comprehensive orthodontic treatment includes wires for bonded orthodontic brackets that sits on top of teeth; both wires and brackets can be made from stainless steel or a more aesthetic ceramic material. The wires interact with the brackets to move teeth into desired positions. Being advanced in the field, Dr. Nicely may also use Invisalign or other aligner trays that have been designed to align a patients smile. As a seasoned orthodontic provider, Dr. Nicely recognizes various characteristics of a malocclusion or dentofacial deformity, defines the nature of the problem, including the etiology if possible, and designs a treatment strategy based on the specific needs and desires of the patient.
- El Campo, TX
- Accepting new patients
The "Dark" Side of Invisalign®
The "Dark" Side of Invisalign ® or "What is so Bad About Invisalign®? " Social media and advertisements may portray that Invisalign is an amazing experience regardless of specific...
How do you prevent cavities while having braces?
Getting all the corners and hiding-spots clean and free from those sticky "plaque" or bacteria-family glues can take some time and practice (with brushing), but it is easy enough to do once you get the basic techniques (definitely not rocket science). Flossing and Waterpik cannot replace brushing, but are recommended for between-teeth and around-gums (& around-brackets) cleaning because brushes cannot get those areas well, which is even more important while having braces. Daily eating and drinking habits can make some people more cavity-prone as well: if you can reduce the lengths of time that beverages or food are in contact with your teeth, meaning eating less snacks between meals AND drink only water (and not sipping beverages) between meals, brush and floss as often as you can (especially do a super-cleaning before bedtime), you will be more on-track preventing cavities while having braces. These apply to most people in general, but you may have more specific situations with your teeth that require special areas of attention. Please contact your Orthodontic provider regarding your specific situations.
(*I am not affiliated with “Waterpik” in any shape or form.)