Dental Hygienist Questions Dentist

When should I replace dentures?

I got my dentures 2 years ago. When should I replace dentures?

8 Answers

Good fitting dentures should last 10-15 years.
You can replace them any time you need to
There are some issues with dentures that fixing will not do, for example if they feel too high or two low
If they fall and shatter
Or of course if you lose them
But know one thing that insurance only covers every 5 years (if through same insurance)
It is recommended to replace your dentures every 5-7 years for proper fit and appearance. Denture teeth can wear down and stain faster than natural teeth, and tissue in your mouth may change over time. This can result in a. Improper fit. Let me know if there are any more questions, and you can follow me on instagram @jessyysoares
When it is your first denture, especially having just had teeth removed, it should be checked for fit and rock at about the six month time frame. After that you should have a limited exam once each year. Dentures can last many years, but as your gum and bone change, the denture may rock, causing excessive bone loss. Your dentist will help you then decide on a simpler reline vs a complete new set. D. Gordon Rye, DDS LVIM, MAGD, MADIA, UVA GPR, AGDLSR, Past LVI Clinical Instructor
No need for a full replacement unless the current dentures were considered to be healing dentures. More than likely, if they are ill- fitting, you need a reline.
That's great! Usually after 5 years we would recommend an updated set.
If you had teeth extracted at the time of your denture we typically like to reline (resurface) the inside after 12 months. If the denture fits well and you are able to function with it there is no need to replace or reline.
Depends. If you had your teeth removed and dentures placed immediately (same day) you probably need new dentures. If your teeth had been out for a long time, long enough to heal properly from extractions, you may just need a reline. Your mouth will change shape within 1-5 years of denture placement and most people may need a reline. during this time. After 5-10 years, you need new teeth.