“When should you have hernia surgery?”
I am a 45 year old male and I have a hernia. When should you have hernia surgery?
7 Answers
Dr. David Carlson
Not all hernias need to be repaired. We recommend repair when they become symptomatic and interfere with lifestyle.
In general, once a hernia is discovered, surgery should be done to repair it. Of course, there are a few exceptions to this. Hernias in adults continue to enlarger if not repaired, even if you do not lift anything heavier than a paper clip! Laughing, sneezing, coughing and bowel movements ALL cause increases in intra-abdominal pressure which over time make the hernia bigger. If left unattended, a hernia may cause severe complications including bowel obstruction, strangulation, septic shock, and even death. The larger the hernia the bigger/more complex the surgery. Of course the more difficult the surgery the higher the risk to the patient. In short, if you are healthy enough to have surgery, you should proceed with hernia surgery.