Neurologist Questions Neurologist

When should you see a neurologist for back pain?

I am a 29 year old female. I have back pain for 14 days. When should you see a neurologist for back pain?

4 Answers

When all conservative measures like exercise and over-the-counter meds fail, or the pain is unbearable.
If your back pain radiates down to your leg, especially on the back part of the leg, all the way down to the foot. This may indicate nerve impingement potentially.
Typically, back pain (low back pain) is treated first by chiropractors, then by physical medicine/rehabilitation doctors, and, if another evaluation prior to surgery or if surgery is not an option, then a neurologist might be consulted. The other providers see patients before neurologists because each of them offer a treatment, whereas neurologists' primary role is in diagnosis.
If your back pain is not easing off and is getting worse, then it's time to have some tests done. You can see your primary first to run some preliminary tests and according to the results, then appropriate referrals can be made.

Dr. F.