Addiction Medicine Specialist Questions Addiction Medicine Specialist

Where can I get subutex prescribed to me?

I am really sick right now I was addicted to opioids and I started subutex. I never had insurance now I have insurance where can I get subutex prescribed to me?

Female | 31 years old

5 Answers


I'm not sure where you are located, but you can use SAMHSA's Buprenorphine Provider locator to find someone near you. Here is the link:

If you're in the metro-Detroit area, Dynamic Healthcare in Sterling Heights prescribes buprenorphine products such as Suboxone, Zubsolv, and Sublocade.
Look at this helpful link .
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Providers have to have special training to prescribe buprenorphine. Here is a link to help you with your search.
Call your insurance company to find providers.
Our office is able to help you with Suboxone or Subutex prescriptions if you are ready to stop using any other opiates. You may contact us by email at or find our website [6].