Surgeon Questions surgeon

Where is the incision for liver surgery?

I am a 59 year old female. I want to know where is the incision for liver surgery?

4 Answers

Chevron bilateral incision (bilateral sub costal incision).
It depends upon the nature of the surgery, how it is being done, and where in the liver the problem is located. Like real estate: Location, location, location. It can be 4 or 5 little band aid holes for robotic surgery (as we do). It can be an upper midline from xyphoid to umbilicus. It can be just under the ribs along the right side towards the middle.
It depends on what kind of liver surgery, but for the most part, if there is a large surgery to be done on the liver, a right upper quadrant incision is performed and possibly a chevron incision depending on the size of the surgery.
Normally, right upper quadrant, where the liver is.