“Which is the better option to fix your sleep schedule?”
I often become nocturnal while on vacation. I sleep through the entire day and wake up in the evening. Would it be better to try going to bed earlier, or try to stay awake through the day, until the next evening? Would it be best to make changes more gradually? Staying up later, or going to bed earlier?
3 Answers
Thank you for reaching out. While travel can often be something we want to do, our bodies may not always adapt to the experience as quickly as we would like. Jetlag, stress, light, and the environment can all affect our sleep patterns.
Since you are 10 years old, you should try to stay on a day time rhythm so you can grow. Gradual is better since you are at risk of napping if you do not make it. The best is not to change your schedule more than 2 hours during vacation, weekends or holidays.
Good question, my recommendation would be to wake up at the time you would like to wake up or work slowly towards that time. Avoid naps during the day. Go to bed when sleepy. Melatonin may be of some benefit to help with your circadian sleep disorder.