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Why am I having back pain?

I’ve been having upper right back pain right under my shoulder blade every time I move a certain way or take a deep breath, and it’s been lasting since around December. I don’t think it was from an injury, it was a more gradual pain. I also don’t have the best posture, and when I tried the stretches for back pain, it hurt too bad to do them. It is a mix of sharp and stabbing pain depending on how hard I move. It has gotten worse since it had started but is staying pretty constant. I don’t feel it every second of the day, it just happens when my body turns to grab something, etc. Do you think you know what could be causing this pain?

Female | 14 years old

7 Answers

If you slouch a lot and haven't had any trauma you could be having a very tight Lat muscle issue which could be combined with a rib out of place.
This sounds like a rib mislaingment. Stretching will make them worse, the rib muscles are also secondary breathing muscles. This is something that is treated very easily and quickly with a chiropractor.
You most likely need an adjustment.
Good afternoon.The problem you are experiencing sounds like you may have either a rib that shifted causing a rib dysfunction or could be a muscle entrapping the nerve in the shoulder blade region. I would seek the care of a chiropractor to help address the issue as you have had it this long and it has not alleviated itself 100 %.
This could be a rib-head issue. If so, after an exam, it can be a quick, easy fix. Call the office for further details. 717-628-6900.
Best to have an orthopedic surgeon evaluation
I hope you have gotten some help/answers. I do see these issues frequently. Feel free to call me for further information at 203-321-0000.