Family Practitioner Questions Sex

Why do I feel no urge to have sex?

I am 35 years old and have lost complete interest and the urge to have sex with my husband. It's boggling because I'm still attractive to him. What should I do? Why is this happening to me?

3 Answers

Most often, when women mature, they have a hormone imbalance that can result in low sex drive, central body fat, and overall slowing down of drive. I would recommend a book on hormone issues by Susan Summers about hormone issues, Sexy Years. It explains in understandable, non-medical terms what could be going on and possible solutions. I prescribe bio-identical hormones in my office for just that reasons. I pray this helps you and your situation!
This is certainly a very common dilemma and hard-to-answer question that has its roots buried in the physical mental and spiritual components of one's life. Let's assume that there is no physical or medical illnesses that your doctor has discovered at your last medical examination less than 3 months ago (35 years old). You did not mention how many children were included in this relationship and no mention of the time spent doing the doing housework and getting on with your career. Is there a significant other? Do you have a communication issue in this relationship? One has to give love to receive love. Learn to forgive and learn to restore what was lost. Take some time out to fan the flame of romance that has become dimmed with time and activity... the feminine mind has been shown to have great imaginative potential in creating romantic inroads to arrest your concerns.

You have to check your hormone levels. Estrogen, Progesterone and oxytocin levels.

Dr. Subudra Thavy