“Why do I have a sharp knee pain?”
I have been an athlete since my childhood. I am now 26 years old and I still run. However, all of a sudden I am experiencing a sharp knee pain every time I attempt running. Why is this happening? Please advice.
23 Answers
There are multiple factors that cause this knee pain; it is possible that you have damaged you knee meniscus (cartilage), and it is flared up now. There could be a ligament injury from past athletics. An mri of the knee may be necessary after an x- ray is taken; micro-current modality applied to the damaged knee area, will speed up the healing process by over 250%.
Sharp knee pain can be a result of many different reasons. Don't worry it's not your age. I treat many long-term athletes that require the prevention that chiropractic provides to joints. Unfortunately, is not so easy to say that your problem is one thing. A proper evaluation of orthopedic test and observational posture exam can lead a practitioner to identify, if this problem is your nerve, joint or a muscloskeletal imbalance. Chiropractic is safe, affordable, and a perfect option for knee pain. A medical doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxers. However, a Chiropractor will find the cause of the problem and correct it naturally. Seek out a chiropractor who has experience with athletes or someone that has experience with extremity adjusting.
I would have to do an exam in my office to determine what the cause is. Feel free to contact me at (631) 462-0917.
Knee pain that is sharp and sudden could indicate a more serious problem. It should be first assessed with an X-ray and possible MRI. If all the structures are clear, then you should have your knee checked by a chiropractor that specializes in extremity adjusting of the lower extremity especially the feet and the hips. The proper alignment of the lower extremity is important when running since all of the ground forces travel into your body from the feet up.
Hmm...Sharp knee pain upon running. Very intriguing indeed. Especially in an athlete. My initial thinking would be condition termed, Osgood Schlatter's Disease which presents as a dull to sharp localized pain in the front portion of the knee. The pain is exacerbated by any prolonged and repetitive weightbearing activity. Diagnosis would be confirmed clinically by taking a bilateral x-ray of the knee region.
Another possibility that is quite common cause of knee pain is "shin splints" or a strain of the Tibialis Anterior muscle. This condition is also exacerbated by walking long distances, running, walking up and down the stairs.
So the treatment would absolutely be dependent on the definitive diagnosis. If the diagnosis is indeed Osgood Schlatter's disease, then the recommended treatment multi-dimensional (supportive, RICE-Rest Ice Compression & Elevation, NSAIDs and a Podiatric referral is absolutely warranted).
If however, the diagnosis is Shin Splints, then the treatment would be:
1) Education to avoid all aggravating factors to allow the injury to heal in the shortest amount of time possible.
2) Hydration to allow the muscle cells to function at its optimal capacity.
3) Rest as only time will allow this muscle to regenerate.
If the condition is due to a strain of the Anterior Cruciate ligament or the Medial Collateral ligament (the most common cause of organic knee pain), then an MRI is warranted to determine the extent of damage, thus allowing the practitioner to make the clinical decision accordingly.
**NOTE: In many of my previous cases of non-organic/pathologic causes of knee pain that is misdiagnosed as a ligament strain issue when in reality, it is almost always due to the compensatory muscular hypertonicity of the Vastus Medialis muscle insertion. This can often lead to generalized knee pain in a young healthy adult.
-If this happens to be the case, I would locate and carefully palpate the insertion and the belly of the muscle to check for it's resting tension.
-If it happens to be increased, then a technique termed, "Active Release Technique" when done properly would always resolve the patient's knee pain instantly. This technique has also been proved to be very effective in tendonitis cases as well.
Another possibility that is quite common cause of knee pain is "shin splints" or a strain of the Tibialis Anterior muscle. This condition is also exacerbated by walking long distances, running, walking up and down the stairs.
So the treatment would absolutely be dependent on the definitive diagnosis. If the diagnosis is indeed Osgood Schlatter's disease, then the recommended treatment multi-dimensional (supportive, RICE-Rest Ice Compression & Elevation, NSAIDs and a Podiatric referral is absolutely warranted).
If however, the diagnosis is Shin Splints, then the treatment would be:
1) Education to avoid all aggravating factors to allow the injury to heal in the shortest amount of time possible.
2) Hydration to allow the muscle cells to function at its optimal capacity.
3) Rest as only time will allow this muscle to regenerate.
If the condition is due to a strain of the Anterior Cruciate ligament or the Medial Collateral ligament (the most common cause of organic knee pain), then an MRI is warranted to determine the extent of damage, thus allowing the practitioner to make the clinical decision accordingly.
**NOTE: In many of my previous cases of non-organic/pathologic causes of knee pain that is misdiagnosed as a ligament strain issue when in reality, it is almost always due to the compensatory muscular hypertonicity of the Vastus Medialis muscle insertion. This can often lead to generalized knee pain in a young healthy adult.
-If this happens to be the case, I would locate and carefully palpate the insertion and the belly of the muscle to check for it's resting tension.
-If it happens to be increased, then a technique termed, "Active Release Technique" when done properly would always resolve the patient's knee pain instantly. This technique has also been proved to be very effective in tendonitis cases as well.
You have most likely developed a tear in your meniscus ---sometimes they will heal ---but if severe will require surgery
There are too many answers to that question. You should have it examined by a physician such as a Chiropractor or an Orthopedic. They should provide a complete knee exam to rule out problems with Patellofemoral tracking issues, Runners knee, or any ligamentous or muscular issues that could be causing your pain.
Knee pain can be due to a foot problem, a hip problem, a misaligned knee, or a soft tissue injury in the knee. You should see a chiropractor that is an extremity specialist.
Dr. Cedrick Noel, BSN, DC, FABCDD, DACNB
Dr. Cedrick Noel, BSN, DC, FABCDD, DACNB
There is a lot of impact on your joints especially when you run. You could just have some muscle tightening around knee and it's causing pain. I would get some therapy on it. See a chiropractor
Thank you for your question. There are a variety of things that can cause knee pain. One of the most common reasons that athletic individuals start to get pain with activity is a lack of mobility in the joint. This occurs as we get older and our muscles get tight. I know that you are only 26 but I would recommend that you properly perform a stretching and warm up before you run. If after doing this the pain is still present, I recommend that you see a doctor for conservative care. Chiropractors are trained in the diagnosis and conservative treatment of musculoskeletal conditions such as knee pain. They can better determine what is going on as well as how to correct and prevent it.
There are many reasons why you may have a pain now when you run. Your chiropractor will be able to check your gait and shoes, test the muscles that support the knee (popliteus is my favorite overlooked knee muscle), do some provocative tests to see if there is any problem with the ligaments, patella, or meniscus and then either treat you or refer you to an ortho if they feel you may be a surgical candidate.
Almost all problems should be treated conservatively (no cortisone or surgery) first for a few weeks even if problems do show up on MRI as the body can heal itself and you can perform at 100% even with no ligaments (believe it or not) if your muscles are in top form! The techniques you will want your chiropractor to be versed in are Applied Kinesiology, TBM, Quantum Neurology and NET. On your own, make sure you are drinking a quart of water for every 50 lbs you weigh and add a cup for every caffeinated or alcoholic beverage you consume. If you work out a lot, you may need even more than that. Also, knee problems often correlate with gallbladder stress and adrenal stress so if this persists, consider having those issues checked. Good luck!
Almost all problems should be treated conservatively (no cortisone or surgery) first for a few weeks even if problems do show up on MRI as the body can heal itself and you can perform at 100% even with no ligaments (believe it or not) if your muscles are in top form! The techniques you will want your chiropractor to be versed in are Applied Kinesiology, TBM, Quantum Neurology and NET. On your own, make sure you are drinking a quart of water for every 50 lbs you weigh and add a cup for every caffeinated or alcoholic beverage you consume. If you work out a lot, you may need even more than that. Also, knee problems often correlate with gallbladder stress and adrenal stress so if this persists, consider having those issues checked. Good luck!
There could be many reasons for sharp pain depending on many variables. Sharp pain can be anything from meniscus pain to tendon issues. Is there swelling? Is it in the front or back of knee? If I feel it while attempting running, it can be a biomechanical dysfunction causing improper knee pressure. Give me a little more data and I’ll see if I can narrow it down for you
There could be multiple factors contributing to your pain. I would start off with icing the knee to reduce any inflammation present and discontinue from running for a few days. If it continues with simply walking, then you may need an x-ray to visualize the health of the knee joint. It would be pertinent to have a Chiropractor assess the knee but may also refer you to an Orthopedic. The important thing is not to neglect it.
It sounds like it could be a torn meniscus, however, you will need an exam to verify it. We use platelet rich plasma and stem cell therapy in our office instead of a surgical option for this type of injury. Our patients have seen relief in as little as 2 weeks.
There are a few things to think about when dealing with a knee. Depending if there is trauma or not. Is your knee giving out or locking up. Can you fully bend the knee without pain. I can only guess without examing you. As physician we use orthopedic exams, your history, and a few others things to figure out what exactly you have. Considering your young age, you might just need to rest, instead of running all the time,constant pounding of the knee joint. Try the bike, swimming, elliptical things that do not apply to much stress on the knee joint. If it does not go away you might have a meniscus tear or patellar grind syndrome but I don't know without examing you.
Did you have an injury or fall? Have you seen an MD for this? Have you tried ice-packs, heat, stretches, elastic knee sleeve brace, or medication?
You may need imaging studies(X-ray and MRI) to rule in/rule out conditions that may contribute to your knee pain. It may be from various issues including but not limited to meniscal tear, sprained ligament(s) or fractures especially if there is swelling in the knee as well.
With your high level of activity you may have developed significant muscle and soft tissue tightness that could have developed into tendinitis. More information is needed to give you a better diagnosis. If you do not already, active hip and knee stretching should be done daily, especially before activity. Look into the book “Muscle Medicine” by Dr. Robert DeStefano.
It sounds like you might have "runners knee", this is a broad term that covers many causes. Treatments could include chiropractic adjustments of the knee, custom insoles or foot orthotics, exercises to balance the leg muscles, adjustment of the low back and sacrum to improve nerve function to the legs and Kinesio tape.