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Why do I have body odor?

My problem is that I shower twice every day, brush my teeth, wash my laundry every Sunday, put on deodorant every time I get out of the shower yet I still smell like I haven't showered for months. This has been occurring for about three years and it seems that no matter what I do the smell will never go away. It's not coming from my armpits. It seems as though it's coming from my pores, from my sweat, and even from my breath. I think it might be an internal body odor cause I clean my body very well yet it never goes away. This smell is not a normal body odor. It's the smell of feces. When I first started smelling like this it was the smell of farts and then it intensified and turned to the smell of feces. I've tried everything I can and I still can't find answers. I've done the research and I think I might actually have a metabolic disorder called TMAU where my body isn't able to get rid of toxins in my body properly and that's what's causing me to smell this bad but I'm not a hundred percent sure. What do you think is wrong with me? Do you think I have TMAU?

Female | 15 years old

1 Answer

I think that you may be obsessing over this problem. Do other people around you notice this? Do your parents? Do your siblings or friends? You may be obsessive-compulsive and bathing too much. Too much bathing washes away essential body oils and can lead to skin infections. People that eat very pungent foods such as onions and garlic may emanate that odor. If none of this applies to you, consult an internist, endocrinologist, or dermatologist.

William Z. Cohen, M.D., FAAFP