Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Why do I have constant diarrhea?

I am a 56 year old female, I have had constant diarrhea for well over 6 months. They sent me for a colonoscopy which was normal with 1 polyp. They took cultures and drew blood. My C. difficile by NAAT was negative, as was Fecal Lactoferrin negative. My stool culture was negative. My Sed Rate is 35 mm/hr, and My CRP was 2.09 mg/dL. I do have body-wide pain and have had very low vitamin D that I now take supplements for daily. They put me on colestipol to help with diarrhea it seems to help at times. I am known to have high cholesterol which they have tried me on statins several times and I am unable to take due to pain in my jaw and arch of feet even trying several different types. What would be a good starting point of what may be causing all this? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Female | 56 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
Medications: Colestipol, Vit D
Conditions: IBS/COPD

1 Answer

The GI doctor who did the colonoscopy needs to explain the diarrhea to you. If the colestipol doesn't resolve it, then another cause needs to be sought and treated. It's the GI doctor's job to figure that out.
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