Hospitalist Questions Internist

Why do I have to constantly drink water at night?

I drink about 36 oz of liquid during the day in some form. After going to bed I wake up thirsty and to go to the bathroom about 4 to 6 times. each time I wake up my eyes are stuck together I have to put tears for dry eyes in them. I then must drink a half a bottle of water, at lease 4 oz each time. When I finally get up at around 5am my body aches, back left side of stomach until I move around a while. Can you tell me what is causing this for over 3 months getting worse?

Female | 80 years old
Complaint duration: months

1 Answer

As a gastroenterologist, I am not the right kind of doctor to answer this questions. Seems that you are drinking too much water, hence getting up at night to urinate multiple times. If you have a dry mouth and eyes, then this should be evaluated for sicca syndrome. Start with a primary care doctor to try to sort this problem out.