“Why do I wake up with pain in my heels everyday?”
I am a 38 year old woman and for the last year, I have been waking up with a shooting pain in my heels every day morning. What could be the cause of this heel pain?
21 Answers
There are many causes for the heel pain some are not limited to the lower back pain, sciatica, heel spur, plantar fasciitis, improper shoes. You should see a podiatrist for the evaluation and treatment.
Plantar fasciitis or tarsal tunnel are the two most likely diagnosis. You need to visit your podiatrist to discover which is the cause since the treatments are quite different
Heel pain can cause by plantar fasciitis, stress fracture of the heel bone or Baxter neuritis. The most common reason for heel pain is plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis caused by the faulty structure of the foot. For example, people who have problems with their arches, either overly flat feet or high-arched feet, are more prone to developing plantar fasciitis.
Wearing nonsupportive footwear on hard, flat surfaces puts an abnormal strain on the plantar fascia and can also lead to plantar fasciitis. This is particularly evident when one’s job requires long hours on the feet. Obesity and overuse may also contribute to plantar fasciitis.
Wearing nonsupportive footwear on hard, flat surfaces puts an abnormal strain on the plantar fascia and can also lead to plantar fasciitis. This is particularly evident when one’s job requires long hours on the feet. Obesity and overuse may also contribute to plantar fasciitis.
Heel pain is one of the most common complaints that bring patients to our office. A thorough history and physical as well as X-rays can usually give a good picture as to what is causing your pain. There are lots of factors (i.e., body type, arch type, other medical conditions [back pain], shoe gear, type of work, activity level) that can lead to heel pain. The good news is that’s it’s usually a self-limiting problem. I encourage lots of stretching of the calf and never walk barefoot. For women especially, wear a wedge shoe to take pressure off the heel.
You probably have a condition called plantar fasciitis which is inflammation of the ligament on the bottom are foot that attaches to the heel. Stretching exercises, ice can be beneficial. Arch supports can also be beneficial. If this does not help would recommend seeking a specialist opinion and evaluation.
About 90% of my patients with pain in the heels upon waking up in the morning have a condition called plantar fasciitis. It is very common and is something I treat on a daily basis. Conservative treatment consists of stretching, RICE, orthotics, physical therapy, injections, anti-inflammatory meds, good supportive shoes and night splints. If you would like to schedule an appointment please feel free to call the office. Good luck and thanks for the question.
Always best to confirm with an X-ray, but with almost surety, the patient has plantar fasciitis/heel spur syndrome. Very treatable in most cases without surgery.

Benjamin D. Overley
Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)
Most likely this is plantar fasciitis (google this). It’s essentially heel pain after a period of non weight bearing such as sleeping or driving. The phenomenon of pain immediately upon weight bearing is known as Post-static dyskinesia. This usually resolves after 15 or 30 minutes of weight bearing.
Probably plantar fasciitis. Treat with calls stretching, arch support, and Advil or Aleve, maximum dose on bottle. If not better in 2 weeks, seek professional help. If you wait, it is harder to treat.
A condition called plantar fasciitis. A thorough foot exam, possibly with X-rays, will confirm this.
If your pain is first thing in the morning when you wake up and step out of bed, more than likely you have plantar fascitis. Please stretch before you get out of bed, consider icing, and wear good slippers to step into with a good support.
It’s called plantar fasciitis, a problem I treat about 5 times a day. Google info about it online and get to your friendly neighborhood pidiatrist’s office. The longer you wait, the worse it gets.
If this is a slow onset and hurts when first getting out of bed in the morning it could be related to plantar fasciitis. This is a very common foot problem and could be resolved with proper support from a shoe or arch supports.
In addition to this, stretching the calf muscle would be advisable.
In addition to this, stretching the calf muscle would be advisable.
Shooting pain translates to neurological, which means nerve involvement. You need to get Folic Acid OVC, no interference with any other meds that people take . Also, stretching Plantar Fasciitis exercises - google them and also check your lower back.

Daniel J. Walters
Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)
Almost all of the time, unless an injury, it is heel spurs and/or plantar fasciitis (tight ligament on bottom of arch that gets inflammed). And almost all of the time this can be treated conservatively with out surgery.
Hi, heel pain is a very common condition that could be caused by inflammation in the plantar fascia either fasciitis or a small tear. Some patients also develop heel spurs or low back symptoms that can lead to nerve pain in your feet. We would have to evaluate you and have further imaging studies in order to give you a diagnosis and treatment plan.
There are many reasons to suffer from morning pain and stiffness involving the musculoskeletal system. Oftentimes referred to as a gelling phenomenon, the connective tissue that makes up much of the structure of our bones, joints, ligaments and tendons are impacted by reduced perfusion of blood while we sleep particularly to the extremities. If there is underlying disease process this appears to be heightened as we get up in the morning. A common disorder that impacts the heel is a condition known as plantar fasciitis. This is an inflammatory degeneration of the broad fascia/ligament on the bottom of the foot that is a dynamic stabilizer of the foot and maintenance of the instep. At its proximal attachment into the heel bone we can produce inflammatory irritation. A common complaint of patient suffering from this disorder is something we refer to as post static dyskinesia. Meaning after being sedentary or sleeping the first few steps are quite painful and stiff until there is increased perfusion to the area and there is a gradual relief of pain. This is akin to the athlete who sustained an acute injury while playing their sport but continues to play without initial significant impact. Once taken off the court or playing field the connective tissue begins to tighten up. Morning pain and stiffness can also be the result of joint disease to include arthritis. This is also a common complaint that is heard with stiffness and pain to the involved joints. Given that you have been suffering from this for 1 year, it would
be most appropriate to seek medical evaluation and a determination as to the potential cause for these complaints. Plantar fasciitis is a readily treated disorder with appropriate stretching, shoe and activity modification, heel lift or supportive over-the-counter insole and will improve. Unfortunately arthritic disorders are more challenging and may require greater and more prolonged management in order to achieve an improved pain and functional state.
be most appropriate to seek medical evaluation and a determination as to the potential cause for these complaints. Plantar fasciitis is a readily treated disorder with appropriate stretching, shoe and activity modification, heel lift or supportive over-the-counter insole and will improve. Unfortunately arthritic disorders are more challenging and may require greater and more prolonged management in order to achieve an improved pain and functional state.