Dentist Questions Dentist

Why do my gums bleed after flossing?

I am a 23-year-old male and my gums bleed quite often after flossing. Why do my gums bleed after flossing?

4 Answers

Many reasons, first you have to ascertain in which areas it bleeds. Is it in one area mainly, or multiple areas? Is it in the upper front teeth or the lower front teeth. If it is in mainly one area in the back teeth, then it's most likely a filling that is not smooth or extending slightly into the gums. Sometimes this can be fixed by smoothing the filling or sometimes the filling need to be redone. Often, if there is a crown, there will be constant bleeding around the edges. Either you live with it, or redo the crown. If the bleeding is more generalized, it may mean that you need a scaling to clean the calculus between the teeth. IF it's in the front teeth then it could mean that you are a mouth breather and that causes the front gums to be inflamed. These are the most common causes, I hope that helps.
Your gums are still inflamed and will require time to heal. Flossing does not cause gingivitis, it actually helps to remove the plaque and calculus that cause gingivitis. See a dentist to get a routine cleaning and possible deep cleaning if the gums continue to bleed.
Being 23 years old, now is the time to learn how to floss and brush your teeth correctly. When you floss your teeth, (finger flossing is the best and CHEAPEST, GLIDE IS THE BEST FLOSS). YOU slide the floss along the side of your tooth.
YOU DO NOT TOUCH THAT POINTED PINK TISSUE. YOU slide the floss down as far as you can, and gently scrape that side of your tooth. You move the floss to a clean area. You move the floss to the adjacent tooth. You slide the floss down along the side of your tooth and gently scrape. You should be flossing correctly at least once a day. Because people work all hours of the day, the time that you sleep the longest is when you should be flossing before you sleep. If your gums are bleeding it means that you have not been flossing every day or not getting the debris out or not flossing correctly.
Those plastic flossers have a stringlike piece of floss. PLASTIC FLOSSERS SHOULD BE USED FOR FRONT TEETH ONLY. P. FLOSSERS CAN'T
FLOSS your side and back teeth properly.
Patients don't take care of their teeth. If you have large fillings, you should not be chewing and biting ice. Eating hard NUTS, biting hard candies can crack your fillings. Placing those plastic flossers and digging between your back teeth will remove your filling that you already cracked. Sometimes when you floss, if you have a tight contact it might be better to pull the floss
straight out near the gumline than trying to yank it out through the contact. If you use those little brushes to remove the plaque and debris from between your teeth you may want to rinse the brush before placing the brush between the next two teeth. Now brushing. You start at the last tooth in one corner of your mouth. With a soft toothbrush, place your toothbrush half tooth and half gumline. You brush BACK AND FORTH GENTLY, move your toothbrush to the next two teeth. Keeping your tooth brush at the gumline.
Going all around at the gumline. When you get to the last tooth on the other side of your mouth,
brush BEHIND the last tooth and move to the gumline where your tongue and palate are. You have gumline plaque there. You brush your gumline all around to the other side. Then you brush the gumline on your upper or lower depending on where you started. After you have taken care of your gumline, upper and lower then you brush your flat surfaces upper and lower. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water. I/2 tsp salt to 8 oz. glass of warm water.
Now you clean your tongue. You can take a tongue cleaner or take a teaspoon, turn the teaspoon so the round part is facing your palate.
Place your tsp. on your tongue as far back without gagging and gently scrape your tongue as you move the spoon forward out of your mouth. You will see a slimy mass of debris. That is what is hiding out in the nooks and crannies of your tongue. Scrape the other two sides of your tongue. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water, Then gargle with the salt water. You eat every day and you have to clean the plaque and rotting food off your teeth. If you do not floss CORRECTLY AND BRUSH CORRECTLY YOU WILL EVENTUALLY YOUR TEETH. YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN SAVE YOUR TEETH!
Bleeding after flossing and brushing is a sign of gum disease due to the inflammation of the gum. You might need to make appointment to see your dentist.