Speech Pathologists Questions Speech Language Pathologist

Why do some children have speech disorders and not others?

I am a 45 year old female. I want to know why do some children have speech disorders and not others?

4 Answers

Many reasons. At times neurological. Lack of stimulation, middle ear problems during childhood, genetic factors, different syndromes, and learning disabilities. These are some of the factors.
Thanks for your question. There are various reasons children can develop speech disorders. It can be exposure to language prior to speaking, oral motor deficits or difficulty with coordination, use of a pacifier or bottle impeding the development of oral skills for speech, and in some cases hereditary factors. It is often difficult to identify the root cause in each case, but therapy is effective in improving and/or remediating speech disorders.
It depends on a lot of different factors. Could be genetic, associated with developmental delays, behavioral, etc. it depends on the individual.

Ali Matisse, MS CCC-SLP
The answer to this is, “Why do some children get cancer when other children do not?” In other words there is no specific reason for this to occur. Some say that it is genetic and others say that it is environmental and others say that it is a combination of the two. Your opinion is as good as anyone else.