Ms. Holly Bracken, M.S.
Speech-Language Pathologist
Holly Bracken is a speech language pathologist practicing in Jersey City, NJ. Holly specializes in working with pediatrics with speech and language disorders. She has been in the field for fourteen years and has had the pleasure of supporting children and their families in both an educational and academic setting. As a speech language pathologist, Holly evaluates and treats patients with disorders related to articulation, apraxia, feeding adversion, language, fluency, auditory processing disorder and social pragmatic competency. These conditions may be due to developmental delay, brain injury, hearing loss, autism, or other cognitive disorders
Holly is passionate about working with children in both one-on-one and group settings to promote social, emotional, and academic success. She also values the importance of family involvement to generalize skills across settings. In recent years, Holly has focused her clinical work in the area of autism and language development. She also works with teens and young adults in an educational program to transition language skills from an academic setting into the community and workplace.
Holly is trained in PROMPT (Level 1). She also has experience implementing low-tech and high-tech augmentative communication.
Holly is a member of the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA).
Holly is passionate about working with children in both one-on-one and group settings to promote social, emotional, and academic success. She also values the importance of family involvement to generalize skills across settings. In recent years, Holly has focused her clinical work in the area of autism and language development. She also works with teens and young adults in an educational program to transition language skills from an academic setting into the community and workplace.
Holly is trained in PROMPT (Level 1). She also has experience implementing low-tech and high-tech augmentative communication.
Holly is a member of the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA).
Ms. Holly Bracken, M.S.
- Whippany, NJ
- Accepting new patients
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Why do some children have speech disorders and not others?
Thanks for your question. There are various reasons children can develop speech disorders. It can be exposure to language prior to speaking, oral motor deficits or difficulty READ MORE
Thanks for your question. There are various reasons children can develop speech disorders. It can be exposure to language prior to speaking, oral motor deficits or difficulty with coordination, use of a pacifier or bottle impeding the development of oral skills for speech, and in some cases hereditary factors. It is often difficult to identify the root cause in each case, but therapy is effective in improving and/or remediating speech disorders.
How do you know when a child has neurological deficits?
For concerns regarding children and their development, I would recommend seeing a developmental pediatrician.
Is there a cure for stuttering?
Good Morning, Without knowing many specifics, I will do my best to respond to your question. Yes, your husband could seek professional support from a speech language pathologist. READ MORE
Good Morning,
Without knowing many specifics, I will do my best to respond to your question. Yes, your husband could seek professional support from a speech language pathologist. The SLP can do a complete evaluation. Therapy can be effective to decrease the episodes and/or severity of a stutter. It is quite common to see stuttering impact confidence. I would encourage him to seek therapy. The Stuttering Foundation is a good resource as well for adults seeking advice and support.
Without knowing many specifics, I will do my best to respond to your question. Yes, your husband could seek professional support from a speech language pathologist. The SLP can do a complete evaluation. Therapy can be effective to decrease the episodes and/or severity of a stutter. It is quite common to see stuttering impact confidence. I would encourage him to seek therapy. The Stuttering Foundation is a good resource as well for adults seeking advice and support.
Can puberphonia be corrected with speech therapy?
Good Morning,
Thanks for reaching out. It would be hard for me to provide you a clear answer without having more background. If it is puberphonia, the voice pitch can be improved READ MORE
Good Morning,
Thanks for reaching out. It would be hard for me to provide you a clear answer without having more background. If it is puberphonia, the voice pitch can be improved with voice exercises. I would recommend for you to seek an evaluation with a speech language pathologist that specializes in voice disorders.
Thanks for reaching out. It would be hard for me to provide you a clear answer without having more background. If it is puberphonia, the voice pitch can be improved with voice exercises. I would recommend for you to seek an evaluation with a speech language pathologist that specializes in voice disorders.
What doctor should I take my child to for his stutter?
Good Morning,
Thanks for reaching out. If you have concerns regarding a stutter, you should seek out a speech language pathologist to discuss the specifics. You mentioned your READ MORE
Good Morning,
Thanks for reaching out. If you have concerns regarding a stutter, you should seek out a speech language pathologist to discuss the specifics. You mentioned your child is a toddler. It can be quite common for young children to go through a phase of stuttering as they are acquiring language skills. It may not be something that needs to be addressed, but without knowing the specifics I would suggest speaking more with a SLP.
Thanks for reaching out. If you have concerns regarding a stutter, you should seek out a speech language pathologist to discuss the specifics. You mentioned your child is a toddler. It can be quite common for young children to go through a phase of stuttering as they are acquiring language skills. It may not be something that needs to be addressed, but without knowing the specifics I would suggest speaking more with a SLP.
How to help adopted son with motor delays?
Good Morning,
If you have concerns with oral motor delays and possible weakness, you can contact an area SLP to discuss further and possibly complete an evaluation. Without READ MORE
Good Morning,
If you have concerns with oral motor delays and possible weakness, you can contact an area SLP to discuss further and possibly complete an evaluation. Without knowing the specifics of your concerns, it would be hard for me to give you detailed advice.
If you have concerns with oral motor delays and possible weakness, you can contact an area SLP to discuss further and possibly complete an evaluation. Without knowing the specifics of your concerns, it would be hard for me to give you detailed advice.