Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Why does my nose still look bigger after rhinoplasty?

I had a rhinoplasty 4 weeks ago and it still looks bigger. Is it normal?

7 Answers

4 weeks after a rhinoplasty procedure, I would expect you to have some swelling of the nose. This may appear to make your nose look wider or bigger than you are used to. It should be resolved over the next few weeks. If it does not please consult your surgeon.
Swelling of the nose can last up to a year. You are in the infancy of recovery.
Rhinoplasty is a very individualized procedure because no two noses are exactly identical and people desire different changes and results for their nose. Ask your surgeon about your situation and observations.
Yes, after a rhinoplasty the nose can remain swollen for a significant amount of time. Usually you will start to notice a difference by about the three month mark, however, you can also have swelling all the way out to one year. We usually discuss with patients that they will have decreasing swelling for a total of one year. It sounds like you are on the right track. Be confident comfortable that it should get smaller with time due to the swelling reduction over this period.

4 weeks later it is still swoll. It’s a small area so swelling takes a long time to completely resolved. It will continue to improve over a year!!!! Just needs patience.
It is common to have swelling 4 weeks after a rhinoplasty. If the goal of surgery was to make your nose smaller, then it should get smaller once the swelling comes down, That can take roughly 3 months to appreciate.
The nose has a thicker skin in many people, and has great vascularity and blood supply. That also means that the swelling can take much longer to go completely down. It can take several months in some patients. 4 weeks is too early to expect to see final results. Aim more for 5-6 months.
Hope that is helpful. Hang in there!