“Why does my vagina feel so dry?”
My vagina suddenly feels very dry. Even during foreplay I feel like there isn't much going on down there. What could be wrong with me? This feels very sudden and has been lasting for 2 weeks. My period should be starting next week.
6 Answers
This may be an isolated event and my advice is to watch it closely. Should it become persistent, then visit your physician for assessment.
You did not mention your age. As you grow older, female hormone secretion goes down, and that causes vaginal dryness. Also, certain hormonal contraceptives can cause vaginal dryness. Talk to a gynecologist, he or she may help you.
This is dependent upon your age. Maybe perimenopausal? Could be related to new medication which can dry your mucus membranes, i.e., antihistamines. Could be related to clothing, heat, environment, etc. Try something like the OTC product Replens 2-3 times a week and see your doctor if not improved in two weeks.
Rob Muller
Rob Muller