“Why does your back hurt when you lie down?”
I am a 33 year old female and my back hurts when I lie down. What could be the cause?
4 Answers
If you are having low back pain when you lie down, there is something wrong. There could be many causes of low back pain, including hormon imbalance, nutritional imbalance, muscle spasms, joint inflammation and others. If you are having low back pain, I would encourage you to find a chiropractor that uses diagnostic tools and a comprehensive physical examination to find the cause of the low back pain and make the appropriate recommendations for treatment.
There are so many possibilities as to why your back hurts when you lie down, so I will pick a few and a suggestion in this response. The pain is a message from your body that something is not right for you obviously, however, some people just want the pain to go away and are not
really concerned with the why. So some possibilities require so questions: When you say you lie down where on the floor, couch, or bed, or..; where is the pain in your back: upper, mid, low, sacrum area, does it go down your leg; is this the only time your back hurts; is it immediate or comes on after a period of time and how long; when you stand up does the pain continue and for how long; how long has still been happening and what have you done for it and was it successful; do you exercise regularly and what type; do you work and what do you do, sit at a desk, lift and carry objects, climb ladders; what is your age, do you have a history of injuries from sports, car accidents, etc. What do you eat and drink, do you smoke, etc? As you can see, there is no simple answer to your question without information. Therefore, my suggestion is for you to make an appointment with a Doctor of Chiropractic for an evaluation and be sure to have the answers to the above questions. If you do not have your own Chiropractor, ask some friends who and where they get adjusted. It can change your life!
really concerned with the why. So some possibilities require so questions: When you say you lie down where on the floor, couch, or bed, or..; where is the pain in your back: upper, mid, low, sacrum area, does it go down your leg; is this the only time your back hurts; is it immediate or comes on after a period of time and how long; when you stand up does the pain continue and for how long; how long has still been happening and what have you done for it and was it successful; do you exercise regularly and what type; do you work and what do you do, sit at a desk, lift and carry objects, climb ladders; what is your age, do you have a history of injuries from sports, car accidents, etc. What do you eat and drink, do you smoke, etc? As you can see, there is no simple answer to your question without information. Therefore, my suggestion is for you to make an appointment with a Doctor of Chiropractic for an evaluation and be sure to have the answers to the above questions. If you do not have your own Chiropractor, ask some friends who and where they get adjusted. It can change your life!