Pediatrician Questions Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Why is my child so hyper?

My daughter is 3 years old and is extremely hyper in nature. While she is extremely intelligent, it is hard to match her energy levels. What could be causing this behavior in her?

4 Answers

At 3 years old it is still common to have hyperactive behavior and short attention span. If she is easy to catch on to things, she may be bored with less stimulating activities. Avoid caffeine products and high simple sugar foods
In a child her age, my first thought is that it’s just her age, and would not do any further evaluation until at least 5 years of age.
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"Hyper" is a relative term. All children are "hyper" at times. They often don't know how to contain their excitement, their frustration, their emotions, etc. Also, "hyper" is in the eye of the beholder. I don't know how many children you have, but often, a parent's exposure to young children is quite limited. The first thing I would do is have her assessed by someone who sees lots of children. Your pediatrician, for one; a preschool teacher; an early childhood psychologist. This may give you a fresh perspective on your own child.
Boredom (enroll her in swimming), genetics (ask grandparents if they saw this in either parent), and diet (move to complex carbohydrates and decrease juice to 6 oz per day) are my top 3.