Dentist Questions Dentist

Why is my gum swollen after tooth extraction?

My gums are swollen after tooth extraction. What could be the cause? What should I do?

2 Answers

How recent was the extraction? Was the tooth infected prior to the extraction? I'd recommend calling the dentist who did the extraction. Some swelling is normal the first few days. If the swelling continues increasing after 2 or 3 days, *call.* After 48 hours post-extraction, discontinue using ice. Once 24 hours post-extraction have passed, barring different instructions from your dentist, warm salt rinses can be helpful. When in doubt, call.
Some slight swelling is normal after an extraction simply due to the trauma of tooth removal. Anything involving the bone can cause swelling, just like a broken bone anywhere else in your body. But if the swelling is severe, you may have an infection that needs attention by your dentist. On the day of an extraction, we always recommend icing the area throughout the day. The following days should eliminate the ice and instead a warm moist compress should be applied periodically, and the mouth should be rinsed with very warm salt water. If ice is continued past the first day, swelling will continue or worsen. But of course, see your dentist if it gets worse or if you have questions. You may need an antibiotic or additional treatment.

Dr. Conrad
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