Orthopedist Questions Orthopedist

Will I walk with a limp after ankle fusion?

I am a 37 year old male. I want to know if I will walk with a limp after ankle fusion?

6 Answers

Following ankle fusion the ankle is stiff, so some limping is to be expected the leg will never be normal, but the pain is relieved.
Most patients do have some level of limping following ankle fusion. Without full range of motion in the ankle you have to compensate with a shorter or halted gait. This is usually preferable to the severe pain and limitation that makes an ankle fusion necessary.
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Yes, most likely you will. To walk normally, the ankle needs to flex 10 degrees. Since the ankle will not move, the knee and the hip will have to start moving more and in more abnormal motions which will deteriorate those joints later. You are very young to have an ankle fusion and must consider that the adjacent joints will be a problem down the road.
Most patients have a limp prior to a fusion due to the pain and altered mechanics of the ankle. Some also have foot, knee, hip and back issues. In my experience, patients still will have some limp or altered gait after a fusion. It may only be subtle and improved, but still there. The pain usually greatly improves and often other joints are saved or improved.
Good luck.
Better than you are walking now.