Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Will antidepressants help my anxiety?

I have anxiety and want to treat it. Will antidepressants help my anxiety?

6 Answers

it ncan be managed very well
Thanks for your inquiry. It depends on the factor or factors that may be contributing to the anxious feelings. It would help if you could do a simple noting of when you feel most anxious, you might see a pattern that can help assess the timing, possible similar situations, how relates to quality and quantity of sleep, certain interactions, etc. Talking with a therapist can be very helpful and they can work with you to determine possible type and factors for the anxiety and they are in a position to asses whether an antidepressant/anxiety type medication may be helpful and perhaps they have a physician to refer you to for a prescription, or you can contact your family doctor. You might try, setting a time to think about your anxiety or other concerns and then try not to think about them at most other times, use medication apps, regular exercise, time in nature, walks, and time with friends as social connections are very important to our well being. Take care
Greetings, Antidepressants are first line longer-term (more than one week) pharmacotherapy treatment for anxiety and you should remain on them for at least 4-6 weeks to notice any benefit. Most antidepressants have inherent anxiolytic effects. Paul
Possibly, some antidepressants may reduce symptoms of anxiety. Of course being prescribed medication this would follow an evaluation to assess the symptoms you are experiencing. While a psychologist may evaluate those symptoms a physician would need to prescribe them. Tim Branaman, PhD, ABPP (Forensic)
A lot of antidepressant medications can also be useful for anxiety. However, consulting with a psychiatrist or physician who is well informed in the use of psychotropic medications is needed to ensure the best medication is utilized.
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