“Will late talking fix itself?”
My daughter is 2 years old and she is not talking yet. Will late talking fix itself?
4 Answers
Maybe maybe not. Its better to provide interventions rather than let the critical speech and language learning period ( 1-3) years lapse. Take her for an evaluation to a speech pathologist.
I would absolutely ask for a referral from your pediatrician for Early Intervention services. Early intervention is a free program for infants and toddlers ages 0-3 that works together with families to assist families with children experiencing delays in any form of development.
Rachel Salem
Speech-Language Pathologist
While in some instances a child who is a late talker may start speaking and catch up to their peers, there are also many instances where the child's language delay continues. I always recommend consulting with a speech therapist and having your child evaluated to be on the safe side. It's always better to intervene sooner rather than later, as your child's brain learns language skills much more easily when they're younger.