Orthopaedic Surgeon Questions Orthopaedic Surgeon

Will the amount of testosterone I have close my growth plates earlier?

Hello, I've been interested in my height and was wondering how tall I'll be but I'm worried that my growth plates will close earlier. I've researched that precocious puberty will close your growth plates earlier but I hit puberty at the same time as everyone else but I hit it harder I grew a visible fuzzy mustache at late 12 and grew slight beard hairs at late 13 I am now 14 and have a deep voice and I am able to grow a crappy patchy beard that is still not thick yet and I can only grow soft beard hairs. I am 5'9 my Dad is 6 foot and my Mom is 5'8 I am just worried if this will accelerate growth plate closure.

Male | 14 years old
Complaint duration: 2
Medications: none
Conditions: none

3 Answers

Could. An endocrinologist doctor's opinion might be wise as issues other than height might be present.
You need to see your pediatrician and minimum have a bone age. This information will help to determine to potential for growth. The result of the bone age can be 1. Equal to your age, so your growth chart will show your growth potential. 2. Your bone age is less than your age; this is the best scenario for your growth potential. 3 Bone age is more than your age; this is the case that your growth plates are closing earlier than you would like. If your growth hormone level is normal, your height will be dictated by genetics, using centimeters, you measure your father and mother's heights, add them, then divide by two and to that result add 6 cm, and that will be your target height and will give an idea of your growth.
Growth plate closure in males can occur anytime between 13 and 17; not dependent on hormones as much as heredity and genes. Your parents are reasonable, tall comparatively speaking. You have every chance to be as tall as your dad, and your mom's height gives you an even better chance to be 5’9”-6'.