OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Chlamydia

Womens health

I went to the obgyn today for my depo and yearly. As she did my yearly, she said she saw yellow whitish discharge. I had my period on the 6th of October and it ended on the 9th and me and my boyfriend had sex on the 9th and 10th. She pointed out possibilities of what it could be like chlamydia and two other diseases. Last time I had this done they were all negative. She did a scope today cause I had a panic attack and said she did not see any white cells and my boyfriend is the only person I’ve slept with. She also pointed out that it could be BV or yeast infection as well. I haven't used scented wash or dove or douches stuff like that but I wear underwear all the time even at night.

Female | 19 years old
Complaint duration: 10/12/22
Medications: busiphrone,inhaler,metronidazole,venlafaxine
Conditions: Seizures asthma

1 Answer

HI - Anytime there is discharge that is colored my recommendation is to have a vaginal culture for BV or Yeast. However, sometimes it can be physiologic normal discharge as well, and no reason for concern at all. If you just saw the doctor, then you can return for a vaginal culture if the discharge persists, becomes a discharge with an odor or other symptoms like itching occur indicating an overgrowth of yeast or bacteria. Just having some discharge can be normal but without a culture, it's not certain.